● 2月1日 16:05~ 全国ネットTV放送

2月1日 16:05~17:20 「裸の付き合いバラエティ あぁしあわ銭湯」に八幡湯が登場!
Feb 1st, Hachiman-yu will be broadcasted as one of the traditional sento within the TV program, “Hadaka-no Tsukiai Shiawasento (Open and happy relation ship at the traditional sento bath)”. The program will be aired nationwide, so please set your timer for tomorrow afternoon, and enjoy the cozy warm sento conversation shot at Hchimanyu. It’s so great to see  how open conversation at SENTO bath haven’t chage for over 130 years of Hachimanyu history 😉

■ 公式サイト/Official Site:http://www.fujitv.co.jp/b_hp/150201sento/

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