●誰もが裸になれる場所 – A place where you can free youself


Sento is a place where everyone from young to aged become naked and share the huge bathtub together in the large sento Bath room. Where everyone can relax and refreshed. And still today, customers of Hachimanyu varies with, age, country, religion, gender, type of works… etc.


hachimanyu_flower2012DecSince my family business is Sento, there were quite many chances to research and report about Sento since I was a child. When I was still an elementary school kid, my Dad told me the essential point of Japanese Sento in easy way to 8 years me. “You know there are meny different type of people coming to Sento. Old lady, baby, police officer, Yakuza, nurese, doctor, teacher, student, president of company, and workers too… and everyone take off their uniform or badges and become naked to take bath in the same huge tub, right? Sento (Public Bath) is a place where everyone can become simply a human and leave all the social differences apart for a while to relax and refresh inside the big bath room.”

昨年末、銭湯を再開したことを中日新聞が記事にしてくれた。その記事を読んで、「再開おめでとう!」「元気なおじさんの顔がまた見たくなったよ」といろんなところからお客さんがまた来てくれている。そんなある日、手紙が届いたそうだ。差出人の名前を読んでも検討が付かなかったが、確かに宛先は「御器所 八幡湯」と書かれてていた。

End of last year, when my Dad re-start the Hachimanyu after the fire tragedy, it became an article on Chunichi News Paper. And many old customers came to see Hachimanyu again, saying “Congradulation for this grand re-new opening!!” “I missed your smile, Mr.!!!” And it was a greatful thing to see the old and new faces after then hard hard work to prepare the Hachimanyu back in 3 month after the horrible accident.  And one day, a letter from unknown name arrived. My Dad picked it up quizically, but the address was corret, “Gokiso Hachimanyu”. So he ripped open and start reading.




“Ah! I know this young guy!!” Soon my Dad realized the writer of this letter. It was sent from a Yakuza who is still in a Jail today.

And it was written… how much he was surprised to read the news on the paper about the fire accident and the re-opening only after 3 months of the tragedy. He couldn’t resist from writing a letter to Mr.Hachimanyu because he was so kind, and it was greatful moment for him to be there as a person even though he was a Yakuza. In the prison, they only have 15 mins for the bath time, and there are not a single day that he won’t think about Mr.Hachimanyu while he takes the short bath time inside the jail. He still have to be in there for 4-5 years, but he promised to come back to Hachimanyu as soon as he is out and so, how much he needs Mr.Hachimanyu to keep running the Hachimanyu until that day. He also wrote, “I know it’s a tough work as you get older, but please hang in there.”

As one of the daughter of Hachimanyu, I think my Dad is professional in treating people as a person.  He doesn’t understand other laungage but Nagoya dialect (NAGOYA-BEN) so he draw pictures to communicate with foreign customers. Even if it’s a student who just came to Japan, or a famouse professor, it’s not a big deal for him. As long as the others were also eager to communicate, he will respond in any meanings. 🙂


Once you get inside the Hachimanyu, it’s a place where you will be and you will treat others simply as a person. Social standing, position, gender, country, whatever position you may have… it doesn’t matter when you take a bath in here.  There are just one simple rule, to respect each other eventhough the others were older or younger.  This is not a special thing of Hachimanyu, but it’s a Japanese heritage from long time ago. And Hachimanyu was just so lucky to have greatful customers to understand, maintain and even renovate this wonderful heritage in this 21st Sentury. Environment is something we never can touch or count, but once we lost it’s very difficult to regain. There for, we are genuinly thankful to our wonderful customers.

Lastly, this is just my opinion though- even today, there are TATEMAE rules as tastic understanding in Japan. Maybe that’s why Public Bath was one of the important place for Japanese cutlure since long time ago.

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