●カーミー君デザイン – 黒宮さん1


I think there are very few people who knows about the folk story of their own country. I was the one who didn’t know the existence of this tale until my Dad maid it into a loin cloth. And the title of this story was, “Thunderboy’s Loin Cloth”. hm… interesting! 😀


The person who visualized this character and contributed his skills and idea for this loin cloth project was Mr. Kuromiya – paper craft artist. During my childhood, I used to attend the paper craft club named, “KAMIKIRI MUSHI NO KAI*” which Mr. Kuromiya had organized and taught.

:!: KAMIKIRI MUSHI = longicorn beetle. There’s nothing to do with this bug (lol), but there is a two significant words ‘KAMI’ (paper) and ‘ KIRI’ (cutting). These two words are pronounced in the same way as the name of the bug in Japanese. So, this name comes in quite natural to all Japanese. 🙂 make sense?

紙で作るおもちゃには、ジェスチャーカルタ、ネコとネズミ、ぶんぶんコマ、飛び出すカード… この他にもたくさん!(また、少しずつご紹介していければと思います。)

Not only artistic pieces, but he also created a toy that we can play with. For example) Gesture Card, Cat and Mouse, Boom-Boom spin top, Pop-up Cards… etc. (I’d like to introduce them in my later blog ;))


Starting with cross-cultural communication, experiences to communicate over the gap between the different generations, verbal and non-verbal communications, and most importantly the fundemental rule to be a human being…moral… I learned a lot of important things from Mr.Kuromiya.

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