●街の「社交場」中古も集う → 20110311物資支援

まだ進展はないようなのですが、進展があった際にはご報告させていただきたいと思っています :) 

Thank you very much for those who helped us by re-tweeting the “Scrap Woods Wanted!” tweets. We still haven’t got any contact from anywehere, but I will be reporting when there was anything good happening on this subject. 😉


Today, I’d like to introduce an article from the Asahi News Paper, published in 2003. I think it was the time when the keyword of “green effect” or “eco” was getting popular.


Can you believe stuffed dear in the loby of bath house, dishes, and neat clothes in the loby of bath house and everything there is ‘TAKE FREE’ items!! All the clothes there are once washed and dried by the coin laundry next to the bath house, so it’s freshly cleand too. I can’t specify the variety of this recycling items, because it’s something costomers bring in and back so (if you were the regular customer, you can check them out at the earliest!)… it’s all up to you to take it away or not.

今日から約1年前、0311の翌週、ライブツアー先の香港から帰るとすぐ、私は自分のバンドメンバーたちと「Soul x Action」Projectというプロジェクトを立ち上げ、急遽名古屋に向かいました。もう一人のメンバーは広島へ。それは、帰りの飛行機で話し合って急遽立ち上げた、各地元から物資を集め直接東北まで持っていくというプロジェクトでした(当時はプチ・パニック状態で東京都内のお店からいろいろなものが消え、満足にお米や缶詰も買えないような状況でした)。仙台で被災した知り合いの小さな村は山間にあり、国や赤十字からの救援物資が行きわたっていなかったのです。その時、名古屋からはこのリサイクル洋服が大量に(大きなダンボール8箱ほど)届けられました。捨てられる予定だった洋服たちが様々な形で新しいユーザーの手に渡ることに関われたこと。なんだか、心がじんわり温かくなった瞬間を今でも覚えています。

About a year ago, few days after the Earthquake and Tsunami stroked Tohoku area, my band member and I started up a project named, “Soul x Action“which we sudenly planed on the air-plane back to Narita from the live tour in Hong Kong and China. To tell the truth, we just couldn’t resist from doing SOMETHNG WE CAN DO to support our friends, who escaped into the small village in Sendai where supplies from the Japan Red Cross or government haven’t reached yet. And at that time, Tokyo was in a panic and canned foods, rice and water was out of stock in almost every super market!! So I went to Nagoya, and many of this recycle items (mainly clothes – about 8 large boxes) were packed and brought to Sendai. It was very heart warming experience to be part of this good circulation of the item from unwanted to wanted.  I’m sure many of those jackets were saving people from the coldness up in Tohoku.


There really are very unique items !!
And sometimes, my Dad is fixing clocks and toys while he sits on Bandai (watchers seat).


It is very important to take the best use of the things around our life.


The heart of sharing gives us a really nice feeling.


No matter how our life stile changes, and new products and idea had invented, I guess this is something we all would like to heritatge and share with our descendants.

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